Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Today, about one and half billion people claim to belong to one of three religions: Judaism, Christianty, Islam.

JUDAISM: Is a religion of the jews, they claim to be the followers of the law of moses.

CHRISTIANS: These are people who claim to be the followers of Jesus of Nazareth whom they view as the messiah, or christ.

ISLAM: These are people who call themself's muslim, or mussulman. These two words have an interesting meaning which simply means: person surrened to God.

Believers in all these religions claim that their religion is the true one. Yet we have to ask ourselves:
 Why have none of these religions prevented mankind from comming into the critical situation that we see around us today?
 A close look at these followers of religions will help us to understand.
Let us examine, first,the adherennts of judaism: Have these really followed the law of moses and served God the way moses did? Have they acted in harmony with his words?
 For example, moses said to the forefathers of the modern-day jews who lived in his days: ''A prophet from your own midst, from your brothers, like me, is what Jehovah our God will raise up for us- to him we shuuld all listen. (Denteranomy 18:15) When did that prophet appear? well, he did not appear during the time that the holy book of the jews were being written. In fact, some jews are still waiting for him.
But consider, about fifteen hundred years after moses pronounced that prophecy, a man did apper who, in his minstry, born a striking resemblance to moses. Moreover, these were more than three hundred prophesies in the books accepted as holy by the jews that were fulfilled in this remarkable man.
These man himself said to the jews: If you believed moses you would believe me for that one wrote about me. (John 5:46) In spite of this, the jews of those days rejected him. Who was this man? Jesus, who was called the christ, or anointed surely, those who rejected the one promised by moses cannot really be viewed as worshiping God the way moses worshiped him, can they?
What about those who claim to be christians, who say that they do accept Jesus? Look at the hundreds of millions of peoples around the world who belong to the countless confusing sects that claim to be christian.
Can you actually believe that they are all worshiping God the way Jesus did?
Many religions claiming to christian use icon or image in their worship. Would Jesus have done these? Moses, who prophesied the coming of Jesus, warned: We must not make for ourselves a carved image or a from like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. We must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them...

What extent has the world's religions help mankind to sub-mit to God's rule?

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